Even in the UK, the motherland of Mr. Eric Arthur Blair, there are also widespread concerns on the
social as well as
psychological impacts of the Revolution in Information and Communication Technology (RICT), especially on
kids and teenagers. The concerns cut across ethnicities, religions, cultures, languages, ideologies and political systems. Mass media in the UK, as we can see, publishes views on both the positive and
negative sides of the ICT Revolution which affects, like it or not, the full spectrum of the society and not just ICT-centerd libertarians. Moreover, among other democratic countries, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Denmark have enacted laws to put in place ISP-based filters blocking sites with
child pornography. For socially responsible people, doing something not that effective is still better than doing nothing at all in the face of a threat to society.
Secure safe environment for children & teens