Thursday, May 25, 2006

Forty six years after "defeating" Chin Peng ...

According to news reports, Amir Muhammad's Lelaki Komunis 'Terakhir' is now confirmed banned even after the Film Censorship Board, SB and MPs who have watched it see no reason why it should not be released, although some bigots who have not seen it insist that it is bad for everybody. Then, there was a dispute of whether it is the Cabinet or Umno Supreme Council which should have the final say.

Now, the question is, since the film is now banned, is it legal for any members of Umno's Supreme Council to watch it either in their private houses or in meetings in Wisma Umno? May be the next Umno Supreme Council meeting should be held in Bangkok, Singapore or Hong Kong where the legality of watching the film is assured.

Meanwhile, Amir has become the most famous Malay film maker in the outside world and most of the blogs which sell Sabun Cap Chin Peng, including Freedom in Solidarity, seem to have recorded marked increases in viewership. The ultimate truth on earth, however, remains that Chin Peng does not even appear in the film and his photographs are nowhere to be seen in the mainstream media :->