Monday, October 10, 2011

M' sian history books for professorial critique

In a democratic society, history professors, such as 'Dr. Khoo Kay Kim certainly enjoy the right to review or comment on Dr. Kua Kia Soong's and / or 'Dr. Collin Arabham' s books on the struggle for Merdeka. We should encourage and welcome 'such debate 'for the nation to mature.
One of the early academic efforts to rediscover more fully the history of independence struggle was conducted as 'a doctoral dissertation at an university in USA in the mid-1970s by (now 'Dr.) 'Khong Kim Hoong and it was published as a book Merdeka ! British Rule & The Struggle for Independence in Malaya, 1945'-'1957 '('Petaling Jaya, SIRD, 2007'). The comic book Where Monsoons Meet : A People's History of Malaya is fairly useful as a teens' 'guide to the subject of Alternative History. These books are written in fairly good English and are not proscribed.