Sunday, December 06, 2009

Red veteran Ah Hai & I cross paths in Haadyai

The paths of communist veteran Ah Hai and mine crossed once again in Haadyai on 30 November and we had our dinner together in a Thai restaurant. I thanked Ah Hai for the time and patience for reviewing some of my research notes and adding more points for the studies of the modern history of Malaysia when we first met last year in Betong. When Ah Hai was a teenager working in Perak' s Pusing, he also read Nikolai Ostrovsky's How The Steel Was Tempered with great passion. Ah Hai told me that he is now "without burden" as all his children and grandchildren can take care of themselves, and he has also published all the five books of his memoirs recalling his own fairly eventful life.

Eng Ming Ching emerges in Haadyai for peace