Vox populi, vox Deus in M'sia

On 2 September, 2004, former PM Anwar Ibrahim ended his six-year trials and tribulations as a moral victor. He became a free man again.
The first thing I did after hearing (and confirming) the news was to go to a nearby church to pray to thank God for his justice and mercy.
In my prayer, I also remembered the many friends, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, I met in the Masjid Negara and on the kaki lima of Sogo and Globe Silk Centre along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman who staged one of the most historic series of peaceful and multiethnic protests against injustice and oppression on this beloved land of ours.
At that time of crisis and given the then prevailing circumstances, massive and peaceful protest in the streets was perfectly legitimate and absolutely right as it was the only option available for upright people to expose and destroy a Big Lie.
Because of them, I began to feel proud to be a Malaysian again.
Vox populi, vox Deus!
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