Holocaust in the East in cyberspace now

English website launched to reveal Japan's wartime crime
www.chinaview.cn 2005-12-12 21:51:58
NANJING, Dec. 12 (Xinhuanet) -- Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu province, launched on Monday an English website to advocate world peace and reveal Japanese wartime atrocities in 1937.
"December 13 will be the 68th anniversary of Nanjing Massacre. We launch this website to make more people around the world know about the Japanese wartime crime," said Zhu Chengshan, curator of the Nanjing Museum Commemorating Victims of the Nanjing Massacre.
Japanese troops occupied Nanjing on Dec. 13, 1937, and launched a six-week long massacre. Historical records show that more than 300,000 Chinese people, not only disarmed soldiers but also civilians, were slain in the holocaust.
"The website http://english.nj1937.org/english/default.asp will post the latest research findings and more than 300 pictures and video about the massacre," said Zhu.
The website's Chinese version was launched in December 2004. It has registered a total of 300,000 visitors since its inauguration.
James's recommended references
(Warning: some of the sites contain photographs detailing brutalities that are beyond human imagination but they are nevertheless real and true as proofs against the Mitigators, Deniers, Revisionists and Apologists)
Malayan Campaign
60th Anniversary of the Victory of Anti-Fascist War
Nanjing Massacre Record
Australian War Memorial
UK's Imperial War Museum
US National Museum of the Pacific War
WWII in the Pacific
Children of the Far East Prisoners of War
The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
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