Is Tun Dr. Mahathir still influential or not?

As I said earlier ( before Matthias Chang publicly grilled FM Syed Hamid and also before Tun released his Open Letter) in my entry Release Cabinet details on bridge plan (18 April, 2006): " It seems that the core belief or value-system of his politics, namely national honour, dignity, sovereignty and independence, have been challenged" and "Tun has always been a fighter for causes he truly believes in and, like him or otherwise, he still has many faithful followers and supporters both inside and outside the government and high society as well as friends all over the world". So, stay tune for more fireworks for Revolusi Minda.

" Progress in human affairs, whether in science or in history or in society, has come mainly through the bold readiness of human beings not to confine themselves to seeking piecemeal improvements in the way things are done, but to present fundamental challenges in the name of reason to the current way of doing things and to the avowed or hidden assumptions on which it rests." (British historian E.H. Carr., What is History? London, Penguin, 1961, 1990)
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