Saturday, April 01, 2006

Third Wave for Uncle Zam

Uncle Zam was quoted yesterday by Bernama as attacking the New Straits Times again clearly being convinced by his mata-mata gelap that the English-language Umno mouthpiece since 1972 has now been secretly taken over by agents of influence of PAP's Singapore and its Western allies.

According to the report, Zam said Malaysia should be run on the ideology of ' Nasionalis Malaysia', not 'Malaysian Malaysia'.

It is clear to me that Uncle Zam is trying to re-run the debate in early 1964 between Lee Kuan Yew on one hand and Dr.Mahathir Mohamad and Syed Jaafar Albar (the father of our FM Syed Hamid Albar) on the other.

However, between 1964 and 2006, the world has changed so much that even American Futurist Alvin Toffler's books have become history. Fortunately, I still keep some of them in my personal library for historical research on long-term and broad trends of the world.

One of these Alvin Toffler books I still keep is The Third Wave published in 1980.

Zam ticks off media, singles out NST

Zam: I won’t entertain rubbish


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