Root cause of Malaysia's " half-past-sixness "

B: I have read about it for many days already in Berida Halian and my neighbours who watch local TV news also confirm what I know from Berida Halian. Some YBs have also said they like this oil painting very much.

B: No. It is reported in Berida Halian and local TV news.
A: YBs, why did you say you like this 'oil painting very much' ?
YBs: Didn't the media say the people like its colourful portrayal of nature very much?
Ha! Ha! sarcastic James, sarcastic. Pity the Berita Harian folks won't be reading this though.
I think they are reading it everyday but don't admit it only. Love Face-mah. I have some goods friends in BH, both top and bottom too who keep me informed. Ini biasalah.
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