Malay origin of 'May 13-as-coup-d'etat' thesis

" The May 13 Incident did not occur spontaneously. It was planned quickly and purposely. The identity of the planners of the incident cannot be stated with accuracy. But whatever it was that happened, the Malay 13 Incident was a form of coup d'etat directed against Tunku Abdul Rahman. The Tunku's power in fact ended from then onwards. Although he continued to be Prime Minister and President of Umno, he was no more than a figurehead ". ( p. 3 )
What Dr. Kua Kia Soong has uniquely done is the discovery of a set of newly declassified British dossiers in London that he thinks confirms what Subky had already observed in 1977. Haji Subky Latiff, whom I personally know as a sifu-class of friend now writes for Harakah. Don't tell me it was Haji Subky Latiff who actually wrote all those then confidential British diplomatic intelligence on the 'May 13' riots.
Of course, another friend of mine former professor Dr. Syed Husin Ali, who launched and critically reviewed Dr. Kua Kia Soong's book last Sunday at the Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, reportedly does not fully agree with the central thesis of the book.
Progressive Malays against ' May 13' book ban
The "coup-d'etat" story has been floating around for a long time.
For all we know British Intelligence may have been repeating those stories their agents picked up.
The Tunku admitted after his retirement that he was effectively pushed out. Whether that came about due to the May 13 events, or the May 13 events were orchestrated with that objective (cause or effect ?) we may never know. Most of the key players are dead or unlikely to tell anything, and I don't think they were silly enough to leave behind a document trail.
In social sciences, we assume all events or incidents to be ultimate knowable and it is upon this assumption that social scientists continue to do research on what ultiliarians ( $ or/and votes) dismiss as "old stories" or "history".
it should be "ultimately knowable" not "ultimate knowable".
A book that I want to read after my exam....
lim lee hock
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