Victory over Fascism - 60th Anniversary (1)

2005 is the 60th anniversary of the end of the Pacific War and liberation of Malaya (including Singapore) from the 44-month Japanese occupation. Beginning from January, I had already been preoccupied by projects and activities associated with the theme.
However, since late 2002, some published books, privately kept photographs and personal records or writings had been passed to me from many sources all over the region hoping that I would be able to re-construct and re-tell the Big Story to honour all those who perished during Occupation and in the 1941-1945 Resist-Japan-Defend-Malaya War of Resistance launched, organised and operated by the Communist Party of Malaya.
This historic photograph shows a band of the Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA), the armed forces of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) in the 1941-1945 Resist-Japan-Defend-Malaya War of Resistance, after it had emerged from hills and jungles immediately following the defeat of Japan.
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