You're walking alone too fast, dude

I find this piece from Singapore Democratic Party's official homepage simply interesting. JW
Merkel surprised: Confused Prime Minister from Singapore
(Translation of an article:
3 Dec 05
An embarrassing mishap happened at chancellor Angela Merkel's first reception of a foreign guest with military honors: During the passing of the honor formation, Singapore's Prime Minister failed to halt on the red carpet and to bow in front of the German flag as is international protocol. Merkel, dressed in a long dark coat, had welcomed the guest in front of her office during clear skies and freezing temperatures. After the two national anthems had played, the two had begun to pass the honor formation while walking next to each other.In the middle of the formation Merkel halted and bowed according to protocol in front of the flag. A short call to the prime minister apparently went unnoticed as the head of state simply continued to walk far away. Only a protocol officer was finally able to stop the guest of honor so that the two could continue the passing of the formation.
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