Root cause of Malaysia's economic malaise

I don't think you should blame poor hawkers for increasing food and drink prices to offset the impact of the government-initiated drastic fuel price hike and to maintain the normal profit margin. I think those who do are mentally poisoned by BN's propaganda campaign of trivalization, divertion and scapegoating.
The current state of Malaysia's economic malaise has its ROOT CAUSE in the unchecked parasitic or verminous consumption of the filthy rich and powerful ruling elites - especially those Umnoputras - who now appear in the media as (hey presto!) 'people's champions' and 'loving and caring leader' against 'profiteers', 'smugglers', 'unscrupulous hawkers' and 'wasteful bureaucrats'.
I think reading Uncle Kim Quek's popular book Where to, Malaysia? - A future with Anwar’s Reformasi or back to Mahathirism (Kuala Lumpur, SIRD, 2005) is a very good starting point for you BN diehards to decontamnitate the minds poisoned by omnipresent propaganda that you blind loyalists are not even aware of it as propaganda designed to trivialise, divert and scapegoat.
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