According to one estimate in Singapore, since its first release,
Alias Chin Peng: My Side of History has sold at least 35,000 copies. It was in Malaysia's best seller list for 26 weeks and as No.1 for 14. Co-authors Ian Ward and Norma Miraflor are well-known and well exposed in Singapore's media but many readers in Malaysia still would like to know how they look like.

I met both Ian and Norma several times in Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore to understand from them more in-depth about various aspects of the grand narrative in their
magnum opus that has helped to reconstruct a critical dimension of the modern history of my land and my people. Well, I have found no horns on their heads ...
To the authors of Chin Peng's memoir. Good job, well done. It will surely be a reference historians will fall back on.
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