Why not debate substantive, real issues-leh ?

Why obsess with declaring support for or opposition to personalities in Manichean terms as if Armageddon has come?
Certainly, the world will not end with or without Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Najib Tun Razak, Mahathir Mohamad, Brendan Pereira, Kalimullah Hassan, Umno Baru or Barisan Nasional because human society and civilisation have existed for thousands of years before they came into being on Bumi Malaya.
So, why not discuss or debate the real and substantive points or policy issues of public interest raised by Tun, whether we finally agree with his own opinions or not ? Ambil-lah yang jernih, buangkan yang keruh.
Why are Abdullah and his supporters afraid of taking the bull by the horn? Isn't it a reflection that Tun and his followers berani kerana benar, and Abdullah and his supporters takut kerana salah?
These are the two questions ordinary people are asking now and which may have been blocked by Rasputins, eunuchs, chamberlains, scribes, jesters and other palatial mind-guards from reaching the ears of the new emperor.
Answer Dr M, Anwar tells Pak Lah
Saya cuma mahukan jawapan, Kata Mahathir
Wartawan ditegah tanya Pak Lah tentang kritikan Dr M
Dr M vs Pak Lah: Between Yin and Yang
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