Comrades, friends pray for Pak Rashid Maidin

Two other veterans and life-long comrades of Rashid Maidin, Chin Peng and Shan Ruhong, sent their messages of condolence to the family through Abdullah and Suriani.
Born in November 1917 in Kampung Gunung Mesah, Gopeng, Perak, Rashid Maidin joined the Communist Party of Malaya on the eve of Japanese invasion in December 1941 in Perak's Tanjung Tualang where he worked as a certified electrical chargeman for an European tin-mining company. The Communist Party of Malaya was inaugurated on 30 April 1930 in a rubber plantation workers' quarters near Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan.
Early last year, Rashid Maidin deposited with this blogger a public statement of gratidute to the Communist Party of Malaya: "As a poor boy born in a backward kampung in colonial time and without sufficient formal education, I am still very grateful to the party which has transformed me into a man who knows politics and the world in all its complexities, and also trusted me for so many years".
In his memoirs Daripada Perjuangan Bersenjata Kepada Perdamaian published last year in Kuala Lumpur by SIRD, Rashid Maidin also paid special tribute to martyr Toh Lung San @ Lai Lai Fook (1922-1943), who recruited him into the Communist Party of Malaya, as "my true teacher in politics".
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The titans of Malay communist leaders
Malay Communists recall Anti-Fascist War (in Chinese)
Tunku's 1947 message to Rashid Maidin in London (in Chinese)
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