On the
'new earth' outside the solar system discovered recently by Western scientists and astronomers, there is no blog, no SMS, no Internet, no
malaysiakini, no 'communist monument', no Chin Peng, no ' Eurasian faces ', no Anwar Ibrahim, no PAS or PKR, no Chinese 'chauvinism', no
Lelaki Komunist 'Terakhir', no
Apa Khabar Orang Kampung, no
BBC ...
Hail to Lord Vader...er...Lord Zam.
"You cannot resist the power of the dark side..."
and ancient Macedonian Zam can write whatever history he wants without being challenged on his New Heaven and New Earth.
Sounds and looks good. When can he go?
hahahha my dearest james, this is a great post. i could think of a few to send there as well. shall i list them down?
By the way I honoured you with the "Thinking Blogger Award". Why you never respond or mention it/ Look here: http://sloone.wordpress.com/2007/04/23/my-5-thinking-bloggers/
thinking blogger? me? hahaha ... i am just selling some simple kuih-muih at kaki lima for busy bank execuives too poor nowadays to take shark pin soup.
susan, thank you for your compliment or flattery which you said it is your honour to me ("thinking blogger"). Ideas which may appear "unpopular" to you may be extremely popular among my kind of masses like Ah Keongs and Ah Yins who read my blog everyday in their shop to get some moral and political guidance from a tailo or taiko. i work along gamscian line. (please don't tell Zams what Gramscian is ... hehehe )
susan, please don't send any other people yourself.let Uncle Zam alone decides who can follow him to build a New Heaven and New Earth up there. Let him make all the laws he wants and programme all the minds as he see fit. we may one day see a greater civilisation on that planet.
susan, by the way, don't you think my artistic taste and lateral thinking is much better than kit siang?
what u r doing now are quite amazing, who would hav thought the flame of our past history are written in gigabit across the world.my father needed not explain to his granchildren about the past struggle-he appriecited your effort.Thankz
my dearest james, to me, you are always better than uncle kit...dont compare yourself with him lar.......
i think the two "leaking" MPs can also follow ZAm ... :-)
Having look at many blogs, I do believe you do deserve the "Thinking Blogger" award. Clare Street has class and intellectual content. The country needs this.
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