Karen Armstrong on Bush's ' fundamentalism '

Needless to say, both Lewis and Armstrong - as well as Esposito and all other thinkers and scholars the world over since time immemorial - have their critics and detractors inside and outside the academia.
Understand conservative power in America
Yup, George W. Bush is very much a Christian fundamentalist, and his administration is full of them.
That was unfortunately the combustible mixture which exploded when the Muslim fundamentalists chose to attack the US during 9/11.
A more secular-minded administration would probably have taken a less ideologically driven approach in tackling the terrorists.
I write as a friend of America, who loves and admires many things about America - the US is doing a major disservice to itself all over the world.
well, there are still positive features in the American society: at least the House of Representative has passed a law that tightens control of guns ...
U.S. House passes bill closing gun-law loophole:
I personally believe & observe that America has came too far left since its independent day !
We should never have taken prayer out of the school system !
I pray that we will never never never never never ever take the verse In God we trust out of our America $.
Jamy Tan
kittykat46 said ...
...when the Muslim fundamentalists chose to attack the US during 9/11.
Has it been positively confirmed that it was a Muslim or a frameup for the purpose of invading afghanistan for a pipeline route and iraq for oil?
Perhaps someone here could explain why the WTC fall like a demmolition?
We are not listening to Karen Armstrong message but still warped into own prejudice ...
Jamy Tan, never forget it was those Christian fundamentalists around the world under the leadership of Rumsfeld and Bush & Co. who exaggerated and even concocted dodgy claims to achieve the aim of controling Iraq and the Middle East. Don't tell me this is something Christian to do?
Hi A Voice,
I'm not a Troll, so I won't try to start an argument here :-) but the pancake collapse of the WTC needs explanation here. I'm an engineer of many years standing, and I have read very detailed analysis of the collapse, contributed by non-political professionals.
Unlike skyscrapers in Malaysia, which are built with reinforced concrete, the WTC was totally dependent on its steel framework to stand up. Steel above 500 Degrees celsius has about 50% of its original strength left, and the weakening increases steeply after that.
When each of the jets slammed into the WTC towers, the fuel they contained exploded into huge fireballs, clearly visible form far away. Any high rise office has plenty of other material which can burn - carpets, paper, furniture, computers, electrical wiring etc.
The temperature in the floors directly hit would have gone way above 1000 degrees. The steel columns on those floors would have been fatally weakened. At the point where the planes hit, there was thousands of tons of building weight in the upper floors. Once the columns failed totally, the support for every floor would have given way, like a building demolition, as you put it.
You don't need to believe who was flying those planes to understand this analysis. Its backed by a lot of forensic data.
The politics of the Bush Administration's subsequent reaction is a totally separate matter. I don't like it either, but I'm not a politician.
We are doing this for self defense : "Jamy Tan, never forget it was those Christian fundamentalists around the world under the leadership of Rumsfeld and Bush & Co. who exaggerated and even concocted dodgy claims to achieve the aim of controling Iraq and the Middle East. Don't tell me this is something Christian to do?"
America is founded on Christian pilgrim, the May flower ? U forget ?
Even the devil know how to quote scripture !!!!
There is no such thing as Christian fundamentalist. People who called themselves Christian but are luke warm will be cast to hell !
Please read our Declaration of Independence before u even critize one of our best President George Bush !
And he veto stem cell today, YA !!! to the liberal left !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A ethan,
if it is not American who drop the bomb in Japun, yr country is under japun occupation !
Including telling lies to the whole world to prove that your god is greater than those of others?
Including using dirty tricks to fool the world to prove that your god is on your side?
Including demeaning others to show that your god is righteous and just?
Is this real America?
And Kayatan, WWII was ended because of the resolution, determination, courage and concerted effort of the Allies, although the atomic bombing was somewhat decisive. The Japs were already a spent force after the fall of the Third Reich. Malaya Spring and Liberation was already in the offing.
Moreover, having won the war for the oppressed world does not mean that the US can now behave unilaterally like a big bully, right?
What lies are u talking about when our country is being bombed ?
Hope u check your history, world events before you send me all the bombs !!!!
Who help Indonesian when they have sunami ? Malaysia ? Muslim country helping their muslim brothers or America ?
Who help American during 911 or Katrina hurricane.
It is easy for people to sympathy someone who is ill than rejoice with others who are successful !
Jealousy and nonproductive complaints are the things that pull nation down !!!
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