Thursday, August 02, 2007

Chin Peng still in good condition & high spirit

Clare Street has just leant that the legendary Sitiawan-born communist veteran Chin Peng is still in very good health, both physically and mentally, and that his spirit is also high, although he is now 82. On 22 June, it also reported that he " is still physically and mentally fit enough to read, write, converse intelligently with other people and travel by air occasionally".

Meanwhile, a Singapore-based estimate has it that his popular memoirs Alias Chin Peng: My Side of History has sold some 50,000 copies (including the Chinese-language edition) in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Britain, Australia, China and other countries.

Chin Peng also visited Britain in 1998, Australia in 1999 as well as Singapore in 2004 and 2006. In 1998, he was interviewed by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and also Sin Chew Jit Poh.

No objection against his basic biodata, including the place of his birth, has been reported or publicly heard anywhere on earth so far.

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