Sunday, August 26, 2007

Memoirs for coming generations, not election

When I first met Pak Abdullah C.D. in early 2005, I had already instinctively observed that he has a 'professorial' mind for empirical details and an aptitude for recalling historical events or incidents from his perspective with patience and clarity. The two books of his memoirs subsequently published, namely Zaman Pergerakan Sehingga 1948 and Penaja dan Pemimpin Rejimen Ke-10 have confirmed that my first impression on him was right.

According to his wife and life-long comrade Suriani, Pak Abdullah is now preparing the third and final book to be published when all the facts and figures have been verified. Of course, the memoirs are written and published not for winning seats in the next election but the moral and intellectual benefits of many generations to come.

Abdullah's red memoirs attractively packaged


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