According to an
AFP report,
US President George W. Bush' s warning that
Iran must be denied nuclear arms to avoid "World War III" was just "a rhetorical point". At almost the same time, according to the
AP, the United States' Air Force " is planning to fire at least five officers for an incident in which nuclear-armed missiles were mistakenly loaded on a B-52 bomber and flown across the US ".
The Iran nuclear affair is one of my favourite mental sparring subjects with some of my Muslim friends, in the process I've been accussed of being an American lackey....heheheh...
Never mind the lables. I have a few questions which those who support Iran have never been able to answer satisfactorily.
1. What does a country with the world's 4th largest petroleum reserves want with a nuclear program ? Nuclear reactors are very expensive to build and potentially dangerous to operate.
2. Why does Iran refuse to allow IAEA inspectors into its nuclear facilities ?
3.Why is Iran developing uranium enrichment facilities ? Enriched uranium for power generation can be commercially purchased on the international market, but normally subject to Condition (2) Agreeing to IAEA controls.
4. Why is Iran building such a low power nuclear reactor ? BTW, low power reactors with large cores are ideal for creating plutonium for bomb making. All reactors produce plutonium as a by-product but the big, high-power commercial reactors in developed countries are configured for power generation, and not very efficient at producing plutonium.
One sticky question I get asked in return
1. If Israel can have nuclear bombs, why can't Iran ?
good questions. anyone want to answer? i'm not good in nuclear issues.
good questions. anyone want to answer? i'm not good in nuclear issues.
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