No end in sight of impasse in Japan' s politics

The very fact that Fukuda's Minstry of Defense ordered Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force home from the Indian Ocean after envoys from 11 countries including the United States and Pakistan had already urged Tokyo on 27 September to extend its naval mission in support of U.S.-led operations in Afghanistan clearly shows that cost-and-benefit calculation of domestic politics prevails over larger consideration of international relations and that external pressure does not work very well in the now politically polarised Japan.

In any event, the dilemma of President Bush is that if he does not appear to be doing something firm and decisive to keep its Japanese ally on the correct line in such a critical relations as defense and security, the United States would be perceived by other allies, friends as well as enemies alike as lacking leadership but if that 'something firm and decisive' is widely seen or felt in the Japanese society to be 'overbearing' or 'inconsiderate', it could backfire as many more voters in Japan, especially those of the younger generations, may become critical of America and its friends in Japan who appear to be 'slavish'.
Japan halts refueling mission for US warships
US politics impacts on international relations
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