What if another abrupt U-turn occurs ?

I think, more likely than not, the same cabinet ministers, BN component parties's leaders and the usual 'pom-pom girls' for all seasons and regimes embedded in the mainstream media who now support the cancellation would line up again to proclaim their support for the restoration of the plan to build the "crooked" or "scenic" bridge, saying that the restoration is decided upon by the (new) prime minister and his cabinet " in the national interest " after " listening to the views and opinions of the people (or 'the silent majority') " and to praise the "wisdom" and "maturity" of the new prime minister.
Some would privately condemn ex-PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for being "crazy" to scrap the bridge while publicly saying berpura-pura that, under the more "liberal" and "moderate" new prime minister, citizen Abdullah Ahmad Badawi enjoys the freedom of speech.
Feeling very bitter and humiliated, private citizen Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his hardcore supporters would publicly criticise the mainstream media, particularly the New Straits Times, for not publishing or giving due weight to his opinion why he had scrapped the bridge earlier. The same Parliamentary Opposition Leader since 1970s Lim Kit Siang would publicly remind citizen Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that under his reign, he (Abdullah) was no great champion of media freedom as two senior editors of China Press were axed and Sarawak Tribute's publishing license was revoked
Ordinary Malaysians would still be asking why the building of the bridge was first conceived, implemented, cancelled and then restored, and also calculating the public fund lost in the process.
Meanwhile, the Internal Security Act, Official Secret Act, Universities and University Colleges Act, Police Act and Sedition Act remain in force and peaceful protests would still be cracked down by the FRU armed with sub-machine guns, water cannons, dogs, tear gas, batons and clubs under yet another "more liberal and tolerant" prime minister in the post-Abdullah Ahmad Badawi era.
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