Before it's Akujanji, now it's Najib-ikrar

For those who remember the 1987-1988 Umno split, Najib was at first pro-Rezaleigh but then turned around at a critical moment to support Dr. Mahathir. He now also preaches national unity and inter-ethnic peace and harmony.
In the 1990s when former DPM Anwar Ibrahim was at the height of his power and influence as the protege and almost certain successor to Dr. Mahathir, Najib was on Anwar's Wawasan Team, but when Anwar was sacked and demonised by Dr. Mahathir as a "sodomist", "Western agent" and what not, Najib changed side and contributed his share of attack on Anwar. As the result, Dr. Mahathir and his loyalists promoted Najib to be Abdullah's deputy.

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: )
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