Meeting USA National War College delegation

This is my second time of meeting, as an independent-minded writer from the civil society, members of US National War College delegations visiting Malaysia. The first one was on 19 May, 2003.

The warships were then passing through Malaysian waters at the Straits of Malacca in the period between 2003 and 2005. I have also been a five-term Honorary Vice President of the Malaysian Association for American Studies (MAAS), a non-partisan and independent Malaysian academic group for post-graduates in all fields and scholars who are interested in understanding American government, people and society in in-depth and rational manner.
I visited Washington D.C only twice in late 1990s as a senior Chinese-language journalist with Sin Chew Jit Poh which assigned me to participate and write about two international seminars on the development of media and inter-religious dialogue respectively. In 1997, I was on Sin Chew Jit Poh's editorial team to interview the then US Ambassador to Malaysia, His Excellency John R. Malott.
I have never received any scholarship or grants in any form from the US (or any other) government.

Some of which, like the anti-communist paranoia and witch-hunt during the MacCarthy period, military involvement in Vietnam, its support for SOBs and oppressive as well as corrupt rightwing regimes in 'South Vietnam', Indonesia, Iran and the 'Banana Republics' in Latin America, I still cannot agree.
I must say I also worry in this age of its 'war on terror', the US would repeat its folly of giving uncritical support to a new generation of SOBs and oppressive as well as corrupt regimes in the Islamic or Muslim-majority countries in the tradition of the last Shah of Iran.

Many of them also often actively seeking honest, critical or even contrarian opinions on their government's policies.
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