" Elegant silence " or something else ?

1. Dr. Mahathir is vocal for berani kerana benar, and Abdullah has to maintain silent for takut kerana salah;
2. Abdullah maintains silent because his oratory and debating skill as well as persuasive power are not as effective as Dr. Mahathir's;
3. Abdullah maintains silent because he is still silently shocked and awed by Dr. Mahathir's sudden and no-hold-bar criticisms and has not reached consensus with his muddle-headed mind-guards and mind-conditioners (whose intellectual levels have not broken beyond or higher than those cheap Hong Kong, Hollywood or Bollywood soap operas' scripts) on how to respond;
4. The inner circle of Abdullah is afraid that response to Dr. Mahathir's criticisms would lead to more debates and may reveal more other controversies in governmental decision-making in the process;
5. Abdullah has actually communicated with Dr. Mahathir privately without the knowledge of the mass of his mind-guards and mind-controllers (some of them may actually be lobbyists for foreign capital and other foreign interests) who try to isolate him (Abdullah) from smarter advisers and critics for their (mind-guards and mind-controllers) own exploitation and manipulation.
Don't ever underestimate the political sopistication of the rakyat jelata on the ground. The pelanduk-pelanduk are now more educated and politically conscious than before.
Every single one of your interpretations is plausible; we'll not know for now will we?
Every single one of your interpretations is plausible; we'll not know for now will we?
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