Saturday, January 26, 2008

Propaganda and its unintended consequences

As DAP's 1995 Robocop fiasco or debacle has clearly shown, what is intended by publicists or propagandists may not actually be responded by the majority of the targeted 'recipients' positively or may even be detested negatively because, among other factors, of the divergence of value, interest, mood and taste between propagandists and their targets. So, holding grand parties or concerts as electoral campaign programmes amid economic downturn or uncertainty or rising crime rate may be popularly resented as insensitive, uncaring or wasteful, and 'Information' Minister Zainuddin Maidin's claim that his opponent would surely lose deposit could be perceived or felt by the voters in Merbok - or interpreted by his opponent - to be sombong sangat and lead to the opposite result which he never intends when making the 'prediction' meant to boost his own morale and that of his supporters.

Coming upsurge of BN' s propaganda of ' love'


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