The contents of the
Bahasa Melayu section of the homepage of
China Radio International (CRI) have improved and diversified so much in the last two years that it is now, in my observation and assessment, even better and more informative than its
Bahasa Indonesia edition.
China Radio International (CRI) also broadcasts in Arabic, Bengali, English, Hindi, Persian, Pushtu, Singhalese, Tamil and Urdu, etc.
New FM of China "a fluent speaker of English"
Indians and Indian cultural influence in China
One of the hobby investments I bought soon after I started working was a powerful Sony Worldwide shortwave radio receiver with digital tuning and digital memory. No more fiddling with dials - you just keyed in the frequency you wanted, store it - and you can get the exact station you want in an instant. Cost me nearly 1/3 months salary in those days! Ah..bachelor days...no worries about money..
China Radio International used to be a very obvious Communist party organ during the Cold War, but since the 1990's they have steadily transformed themselves into a polished professional reporting outfit. Almost sounds like BBC these days!
my own judgement is that CRI is still not up to BBC standard of journalism yet but still a good source of information about many aspects of China and also a platform to bridge different cultural and language divides.
James, what is the frequency for CRI?
sing, penang
check out in the homepage-laH.
Hi Miner,
In KL, Penang, Nothern Peninsular Malaysia, the CRI English language service can be received at night on 11980 khz, 9730 and 9870. There are some published frequencies for daytime, but don't bother - reception is awful in daytime, until after 7 pm.
Not sure about Singapore, but its in the same general direction from China, so you can try the same frequencies.
Be sure to try BBC World Service, too. That's pretty much the Gold standard for international shortwave broadcasts. They are quite independent of British foreign policy, though, of course, there is always a Western slant to their viewpoint.
Kitty, meow-meow for the waves. Been listening to BBC ever since my teen.
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