Father : Son, soccer is a more superior game ... table tennis is not a true sport ... I just want you to be good ...
Son : Dad, that soccer is a more superior game is your opinion which I respect but I really think table tennis is better ... I hope you also respect my opinion and choice as an adult with free and independent will vis-a-vis table tennis ....
Father : How dare you change from being soccer player when you were a kid to a table tennis entuasiast now ?
Son : Dad, when I was younger, I just followed you as your financially dependent child and thought that soccer was the only superior game in the world ...I believed that because you said so and there was no other sports played in our neighbourhood ... but after leaving home for four years and mixing with more people who play different types of games, I have discovered table tennis to be a far better game for myself to play than soccer .... Moreover, I am now financially independent enough not to like what you like, or to like what you don't like ...
Father : You are still my child ... you must not do what your father does not like ! You must give up table tennis and contine to play soccer as you had been doing when you were younger ...
Son : No, dad; I am now a 25-year old adult with independent personality and character ... I love table tennis out of my own free will ... no one has forced me ... also, no one has forced me to dislike soccer ... The law says after reaching 21, I am a citizen and adult who can elect a government by casting my secret vote for whatever parties and their candidates I like ...
Father : You mean you want to end our father-son relations? How dare you to be this ungrateful !
Son : No, dad ... I still love you and respect you as my father ... I am forever thankful to you for bringing me up .... we are still in one family ... it is just that you still love soccer and now I enjoy playing table tennis ...
Father : A father who love soccer cannot convince his son to be a soccer entuasiast ? All my soccer friends and fans will laugh at me !
Son : Those who laugh at you because of this are stupid fellows who cannot see the differences between form and essence ... despite different forms, both soccer and table tennis are sports in essence that make us strong physically ... you must not give in to their social pressure and mobbish opinion ... we don't live for them ... we live for ourselves first and foremost ...
Father : Yeah .... but if you are no longer a member of the soccer club, I will lose one vote in the election of the presidency of the Soccer Club next year ...well ... you can enjoy playing your table tennis secretly but keep your formal membership with the Soccer Club even though you don't play soccer anymore ...
Son : You mean the reason you want me to continue to play soccer and give up table tennis is because you need a vote for your Soccer Club presidential elections ?!
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