My book serves C' bridge historians as source

The two British scholars specialising in the history of the British Empire are Christopher Bayly and Tim Harper who jointly wrote Forgotten Army: The Fall of British Asia, 1941-1945 (London, Penguin, 2004). Harper is also the author of The End of Empire and the Making of Modern Malaya (Cambridge University Press, 1999).
( I have never met Bayly or Harper before in Malaysia or anywhere else in the world and I have never been to U.K. although I have been dreaming for a long time to pay a visit to the Great Motherland of the English language and of the British Broadcasting Corporation ).

It was in the interviews that Rashid Maidin (1917-2006) entrusted me to convey to our nation and people of all races one of his very rare and last public statements in his fearless and selfless life: " As a poor boy born in a backward kampung in colonial time and without sufficient formal education, I am still very grateful to the Party which has transformed me into a man who knows politics and the world in all its complexities, and also trusted me for so many years".
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