Rashid Maidin's memoirs now out in Mandarin

Recruited by martyr Toh Lung San to join the party as early as 1941 just before the Japanese invasion, the trilingual Rashid was probably the most well-known top leader of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) after Chin Peng as both of them were the party's representatives to the 1955 Baling Peace Talk as well as signatories to the 1989 Malaysia-CPM Peace Accords. Rashid passed away as a proud and honourable communist on 1 September, 2006 (Friday) which was the 64th anniversary of the 9/1 Martyrs' Day.
A public tribute to Rashid Maidin (1917-2006)
A people's monument for Rashid Maidin in KL
Rashid Maidin's indestructible spirit honoured
Pak Said salutes friend, patriot Rashid Maidin
Farewell, salute to Pak Rashid !
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