A man who has seen enough 'paper tigers' ...

What can his Cabinet boss PM Abdullah and official Parliamentary Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang do to him effectively, now that he seems to be the indispensable taiko again in his party ? Would he be suspended or sacked like what the National Front Whip did to MIC's secretary-general Sothinathan for speaking in the Parliament out of the government line? Has the Public Account Committee, in which there is a DAP representative, the political will and real power to effectively cause taiko Samy to appear for examination and judgement by the parliamentary committee?
Taiko Samy, like ex-PM Tun Dr. Mahathir, has certainly seen enough 'paper tigers' in his long political career to spot the difference between real threat and mere bluff and value the occasional effectiveness of pura-pura shock-and-awe brinkmanship.
Act against me, Samy dares PAC
PAC: Samy can be cited for contempt
Samy: Let Shahrir run the Works Ministry
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