Root causes of Samy's insolence, indiscipline

1. It seems that PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi still does not really know he is the Cabinet boss of Samy Vellu because if he does, surely he could have just ordered Samy firmly and decisively to appear before the PAC and be examined and judged by the select committee, or be sacked legally and constitutionally for disobedience (of course, it is wrong to frame him up for sodomy or order the IGP to beat him up personally under detention without trial in dark cell).
I really do not think Samy could have behaved so outrageously like what he now does had the Prime Minister still been Tun Abdul Razak or Tun Hussein Onn. I also do not think Samy, with what he has been behaving in the last few days could get away with such as 'murder' even for an hour in Singapore.
2. The Opposition is too weak numerically in the Parliament to create enough political pressure because Samy's party and coalition kaki , including PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and DPM Najib Tun Razak now take up 92% of the seats.
The order for Samy to comply should have been given immediately after Samy's public outburst which occured on 14 June. I don't criticise for criticising sake. Neither do I support any status quo for supporting sake. I go for micro-details as to date and time. There is now handphone. AAB does not need to send a messenger on a horse to give order to Samy.
Thank you for enlightening me.
Pak Lah has not only failed to exercise his prime ministerial authority to rein in the wildly misbehaving Samy Vellu, he even became Samy's apologist on this occasion.
Pak Lah said that the controversy was resolved as Samy had told him that a written explanation would be sent to the PAC.(Malaysiakini June 16).
But didn't Pak Lah know that that was precisely the bone of contention - PAC's insistence that Samy be present to answer questions from the PAC?
By saying the controversy was resolved, Pak Lah was in effect condoning Samy's defiance of PAC's authority. Such PM failure will surely worsen the state of indiscipline already prevailing in the Cabinet and the entire government.
The reason I paused for a while by "thanking" rakyatchamp "for enlightening me" is to allow other to present their views. Otherwise, I would appear overbearing.
Thank Kim Kuek for coming in. Go on, dudes, say what you want to say without malice or personal attacks.
*** Taiko Samy may be very wrong and wild, he is also a human being like you and me. So, please don't call him " bloodsuckers " or things like that. We drank coffee many times before. If critics like me can respect taiko Samy as a human being, why can't BN or AAB supporters like rakyatchamp.
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