Demonisation of V.I. Lenin by Bush countered

Bush's mentally chaotic Osama-Lenin comparison has again drawn flak, including a passionate but very intelligent rebuttal from columnist Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey writing in a Russian newspaper. May I add that some 20 million of Lenin's people and Red Army sacrificed their lives in the heroic resistance to fascism and liberation of Europe from Hitler's subjugation and enslavement.
It was V.I. Lenin and his like-minded contemporaries like Tan Malaka, Mas Alimin, Ho Chi Minh, Manabendra Nath Bhattacharya @ M.N.Roy and Henk Sneevliet @ Maring who first ( in the early 1920s) qualitatively transformed the situation of many pockets of often reactionary, parochial and xenophobic resistance mounted by aristocrats and peasants against European colonialism in Asia and Africa into a global wave of the modern, internationalist and progressive struggles for national self-determination and liberation.
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