Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Cao Qi Zhu, Rashid's comrade, beloved wife

Pak Rashid first married a girl from his kampong Hamidah in 1938 when he was 21 years of age. They were blessed with 3 boys and 1 girl. However, the family was forcibly separated by Pak Rashid's detention without trial by the colonial authority from July 1948 to early 1952. After his escape into the Pahang jungle in late 1952, Pak Rashid kept on fighting for Merdeka and did not have the time or opportunity to return home.

In 1959, he married again with Cao Qi Zhu (曹启竹), a fellow communist and guerilla fighter. They were blessed with a daughter.

After the marriage, Cao Qi Zhu became Selamah binti Abdullah. She passed away on 26 March, 2005 in Haadyai at the age of 76. I heard that Pak Rashid has become a little bit depressed after the passing away of Selamah.